A New Era of Gambling in Ireland: Crypto Casinos


The amazing thing about the iGaming industry is that it’s always changing. In fact, it goes without saying for any other industry in the world too. In case you’re wondering, our focus is on the crypto casino Ireland and how it works.

We’re also going to explore the payment options as well as the game options after we’re done understanding what “crypto” means in an online casino context.

What is a Crypto or Bitcoin Casino Online in Ireland?

The question you asked is a fantastic way of starting the guide. It shows that you’re interested in learning what this era is bringing to the table.

For the longest time, a crypto casino Ireland referred to an Irish online casino that accepts cryptocurrencies as payments. Also, it pays out in crypto when the time comes for withdrawals. To some extent, it still means the same thing.

However, a true crypto casino online is based on a blockchain. It’s because if a blockchain is not involved, you cannot decentralize a paradigm. And if you cannot decentralize, it’s not much “crypto”, is it?

Crypto casinos mostly look and feel the same as traditional online casinos. But the games are all channeled through the blockchain to make them fairer and more acceptable to the players. It’s all possible thanks to the “provably fair” algorithm.

Essentially, it’s an online randomization algorithm that produces the same results as a traditional RNG or a black box algorithm. However, in a traditional RNG, the players have no say in the process and they have to take the word of the operator for it.

But the idea behind using a blockchain is to make every single transaction traceable. A “transaction” doesn’t always have to be monetary. The generation of game results on a blockchain is also a transaction.

So, when a crypto casino online game is played, you as the player can verify whether the result is random or not. You do it with the help of seeds. Two different seeds are “hashed” with the provably fair algorithm to generate the randomized result. One of the seeds comes from your server.

Why Are Bitcoin Casinos Better?

The question players have been asking for as long as we can remember is “is a crypto online casino in Ireland” better than other online casinos? The short answer is yes. And the long answer is both yes and no.

Let’s try to list some of the most popular characteristics of a crypto casino and see how they make your experience better or worse.

Crypto Games are Fairer

Fairness has always been a concern for casino players. Although most operators market their games as ‘games of chance”, there was no way for you to verify that. You just had to believe it based on the reputation of the license. And if you were lucky, the casino may have a 3rd party auditor employed to check on the RNG from time to time.

Well, it’s not like the days of these casinos are over. In fact, the majority of brands still follow the same modality. The use of blockchain is still very niche.

Back to what we were saying, crypto games are fairer because you have a stake in the hashing process. Even if you’re not inputting the seed manually, you have the option to verify it later if you have any suspicions. It goes for crypto online slots as well as crypto table games equally.

Eliminating 3rd Party Auditors

A true Bitcoin casino online in Ireland will not need a 3rd party auditor. It’s because the job of a 3rd party auditor is to verify the randomization process. If the players can do it themselves, there’s no reason to involve 3rd parties, right?

There’s another really good implication to this practice. If the casino operators are not employing external companies, they’re saving a lot from the operational budget. Chances are, that portion of the budget will be reimbursed to the players as bonuses!

Everything is Public

If you’re not aware, a blockchain is a public ledger. So, every single action or transaction that happens on a blockchain is recorded and open for public viewing. This is how you can “verify” the randomization after the results have been generated.

At the same time, the casinos don’t get to play tricks on the players and record false transactions. The same goes for shady players who are always on the hunt to find the best way of manipulating an online casino’s mechanics.

Are Regular Online Casinos Obsolete?

Of course not. A crypto slots casino might be introducing a new era of online gambling for Ireland as well as the rest of the world, the RNG casinos still have a long way to go. The use of Blockchain is still very new due to the lack of awareness and certified professionals. And going for it at this point means higher operational costs for operators.

However, you can get a flavor of crypto casino online in a regular casino like WildTorando if you want. How’s that possible, you ask? Well, it’s because WildTornado is offering some excellent cryptocurrencies for payments! It’s not the same thing but it’s certainly one way to start.

Then, you have the BTC games in the game library. These games exclusively run on a blockchain. So, as it seems, WildTornadao.casino is a blend of both crypto and non-crypto games.

At the time of writing, Wild Tornado lets you use Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin, Ripple, Tron, and Tether. All of these are globally acclaimed cryptocurrencies. Keep in mind that WildTornado casino isn’t a financial institution which means you can’t convert cryptos to fiat currency.

If you do decide to use crypto, your bonuses will be credited in crypto as well! Considering the volatility of the paradigm, you can keep the crypto in your account and convert it later. But that’s a discussion for a separate occasion.

Wrapping Up

The new era of casino gambling has already started. Even when the iGaming industry came to life, it happened so subtly that a lot of us didn’t realize it in time. The same goes for a crypto casino Ireland like WildTornado casino.

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