What do you need to know to Build Government Software?

build government software
build government software

Development is done with effective methodologies. And for each specific project, it’s different. And the methodology is chosen beforehand. It can be a classic project approach to development with strict adherence and coordination of stages. Or it’s related to intermediate control at each stage.

From the point of view of the uniqueness of development for government, software products can be divided into the following classes:

  • Standard software (“boxed products”). Typical representatives of such systems are office suites, mail clients, graphic editors.
  • Systems – “constructors”. They are supplied in a standardized form. But they require significant debugging in the process of implementation.
  • Information systems “to order”. Unique information systems.

Each of these categories has its own advantages, disadvantages, market niches. Despite the rapid development of information technology, attempts to standardize everything. The demand for individual software development only increases from year to year.

Why do companies choose unique designs, rejecting standardized solutions?

build government software
build government software

Firstly, our world is very multifaceted. Therefore, there are many tasks, specific businesses. For them, it is impossible to find a ready-made system. Of course, this is the most obvious reason for choosing custom development. But by no means it’s the only one.

Redundancy of “standardized” solutions that exist on the market. Both in terms of functionality and the budget required for the acquisition. Here is the implementation and further support of such a system. And although sometimes an illusion is created that a powerful system is at the level of the best world standards. It’s implemented in a large number of successful companies. It will solve all problems. It so happens that an enterprise starts working for a system. And it’s not a system at the enterprise.

The inability or unwillingness to change the business processes of an organization is often dictated by standardized solutions. For example, these are ERP systems. Especially often this situation arises where activities are strictly regulated by certain legislative norms. Or there are the specifics of production, business.

The customer’s desire to receive exclusive services, attention to his project. When creating a system to order, the closest interaction of developers with the customer takes place. At the same time, it is possible to achieve a high degree of understanding between all parties to the project. it’s possible to establish a compromise cooperation/ Also it’s important to maximally take into account not only formal requirements. But also here are the wishes and expectations of the client.

 The need for prompt completion of the software, the provision of high-quality technical support. With the correct organization of work, urgent customer requirements can be implemented “for yesterday”. It is almost impossible in the case of standardized, and even more so “box” systems.

The need to integrate a new system into the existing IT infrastructure of an enterprise, or to create an integrated solution with existing software and hardware systems from Fire Art. It is far from always that standard solution. It can meet the requirements of the necessary integration with other systems. or there are the costs of such integration exceeding all reasonable limits.

The need to ensure a high level of information protection. It is no secret that the requirements for information protection are somewhat specific. And to satisfy such requirements “box” or standardized systems, as a rule, of foreign production, cannot. Development to order in such conditions immediately focuses on the appropriate regulatory framework. Here are important technical solutions and stages of creating both the cushioning system itself. And here is an integrated information protection system. It includes the examination and obtaining a certificate of conformity.

To sum up

As a rule, customers of unique solutions are interested in long-term technical support. As well as planned and emergency system upgrades. And such services can be optimally provided by the direct developer of such a product.

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