Discord No Route Error? Here’s The Fix 2020
Discord No Route Error: How to fix it
Nowadays, Discord is an application that is loved by a lot of users around the world. It is one of the reliable and wonderful applications that fascinates users. Not long ago, the app was reported to show a Route error message.
The error is termed as “Discord No Route Error”. This error creates a hindrance for people while joining the voice channel. In this article, we are going to discuss the ways to solve this error.
Why does the Error Occur?
The error happens when you are trying to connect to a voice server in the Discord server, it does not let the user connect to the voice channel. Discord is blocked to connect to voice channels more frequently than not by a problem that is associated with dropouts, Firewall restrictions, and VPN.
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The way to fix error
Below we have described the way to resolve the Discord No Route error. They have been listed in a sequence from the most common to most rare. You can resolve the issue by using one of the following procedures.
Method 1: Restart Everything
The router can have multiple problems and can be corrected with just a restart. When everything restarts, you need to open up discord and connect to the voice server to verify whether the issue is resolved.
Method 2: Firewall and Antivirus
While connecting to the voice server, your anti-virus software may interfere with connecting you to the voice server. Your anti-virus can potentially interrupt you from connecting to all the insecure programs except the highly reliable and secured programs.
We do not suggest you disable the anti-virus software, you can include it in the whitelist. If you do not have any anti-virus installed, windows defenders can block your connection to the voice server.
You need to follow the steps mentioned below to resolve the error by using this method.
- Open the setting app
- Navigate to the update and security and click open window security.
- Go to Firewall and Network Protection.
- Click on “Allow an App through Firewall”
- Click on “Change Settings”.
- Go to the Control Panel window, and go through e-list of Apps and Allow Discord through. In case, you cannot see the Discord App there, click Add an App, and select Discord. Allow access to private networks.
Method#3 VPN
A VPN may cause an interruption while connecting to the Voice server, so you can disable the VPN entirely so that you may connect to the voice server. If you still want to have a VPN, check with the developer if it has a UDP function and how you can configure it correctly.
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Method#4, Voice Region
Usually, Discord servers are associated with a particular server region, that can create issues for the users whose geographical locations are causing that error to happen.
To resolve the issue, you need to contact the server admin and request them for alternative voice regions for the server to see whether it suggests solving the No Route problem.
Method#5-Network Restrictions
Network activity is highly limited to protect the rectitude of internal networks regarding educational and professional contexts. External communication Apps are the first to be restricted.
There is the likelihood that access to Discord would not be blocked until you deal with lax Network Administrator.
Method#6-Discord Settings
You must have seen an option “Quality of Services High Priority” within Discord’s user settings. The feature is introduced to push your modem into prioritizing Discord data pockets to increase the quality of the voice channel.
Some devices can’t consider these requests that may result in No Route Error. You can follow the steps below to disable the Quality of Service feature.
- Open up Discord
- Click on the “cogwheel” User Settings” icon in the bottom left-hand corner of the Discord window.
- Select “Voice& Video” from the left-hand menu under App Settings.
- Scroll down to the “Quality of Service” section and toggle off. Enable Quality of Service High Packet Priority.”
- Try to connect to a voice channel to verify whether the problem is fixed.