How to Send a Moneygram With PayPal
Moneygram does not support Paypal as the preferred payment option. But you can use Paypal debit card with MoneyGram send money. You can apply for the Paypal debit card and the delivery within 4 to 6 business days at your PayPal register address when you receive it after you can link with your PayPal account easily. You will use MasterCard Number, Expired date, and CCV code for the payment method during the MoneyGram transfer Process.
Step 1- Open a Website browser Go to MoneyGram Website.
Step 2- Select the country as a Paypal debit card address. Then click on Submit.
Step 3- Now you put a Send amount GBP or as your MoneyGram country. You will also see the transfer fee listed for the country and the GBP amount you chose. I have Selected Pakistan.
Step 4- Now you need to select the method of the payment. I have the United Kingdom Paypal Business Debit Card. So I chose the Debit/Credit card. Now you need to be selected want to send to Direct to Bank account or Cash Pickup location. Myself choice always MoneyGram pickup Location. Now to click Get Started.
Step 5- Enter the “Username” and “Password” if you are returning customers, otherwise, type your email address and click the “Go” button. Don’t have an account Sign Up.
Step 6- Select “MasterCard” for the “Card Type,” located under the “Payment method” section. Type the “Card Number,” select the “Expiration Date,” and type the 3-digit “CVV Number” located on the back of the card. Click the “Next” button to continue.
Step 7- Review and complete the transaction. MoneyGram will also ask you to the set-up security information for the money transfer.