Keyless Access Technology – The Future of Building Security?

The future of security is here and ready. Smart cards and systems can allow for access to who you want when you want. Keyless access technology can be implemented in a variety of industries, in a variety of ways. You can be sure to keep your assets safe when you use keyless access security.


The main perk of smart technology is just how adaptable it is. You can curate a staff member to use cards like mifare cards to access the warehouse, but not the till, and only within the hours you allow. One smart card can be associated with a host of information that can be updated to allow access as your staff’s roles require.

You can change access so that some staff members can or cannot access certain areas and keep track of them as they do. What was being accessed, when, by who, and for how long can all be stored in a cloud system to be accessed later.

This cloud system will also allow for remote access. If someone needs to get in somewhere and asks your permission, you need not get out of your seat to allow it. This can be useful for businesses with multiple locations. You can make adjustments to schedules and lock and unlock doors from your device.

Traditional keys are often lost, can be copied easily, and are not foolproof, whereas keyless entry systems require every user to have a unique credential that will allow access to the building, bypassing the possibility of copying a traditional key to get in.

Where can I use it?

Hotels have been using keyless entry for years now, using cards that can be programmed from the front desk. Receptionists can allow or remove access as required. Some have even eliminated the need for the front desk entirely, with a self-check-in that will distribute access to your room, making the whole experience a lot quicker and smoother. The card given can also be used to access the mini-bar, gym and spa facilities, and lockers, ensuring your guests all feel secure. Entrance cards can also double as membership cards in spas in golf clubs, offering membership perks and offers and allowing access to exclusive areas. They can even come in a wearable wristwatch-like device that will keep users’ hands-free to work out or relax. Customers will appreciate the exclusive experience and come back.

Schools and universities are also adapting to a smart life, with student IDs doubling as security markers. Student details like next of kin or emergency details can be linked with their ID cards, as well as password accessas using them to secure access to school computer and software. Students and staff can be granted access to laboratories or libraries, and attendance can be recorded with every swipe of a card.

Smart card technology is popping up all over in a variety of different businesses, especially in the service industry, as a way to impress customers with how fast and easy everything can be, with a system that eliminates the middleman in the process. Consider it for your next business upgrade.

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