Machine Learning : Simple Words About Complex Processes


Over the past decade, machine learning has received a wide update. However, most users do not fully understand the role and prospects of this technology. In fact, today we are all involved in a funnel of automated systems that are fully or partially based on machine learning.

Since the start of Google’s Cloud Machine project, a self-learning prototype has been used to predict search queries. That is, the search query formulation hints are influenced by the data that the system collects in the process. Technically, when a user tries to type a query in the search box, the system suggests values ​​based on the practice of previous queries and current circumstances. This is the simplest example of a modern machine learning prototype.

Machine learning

Today, after 15 years, machine learning technology is challenging many professions where an operator or, more simply, a “live” employee is involved. Many of us are already familiar with robotic systems, applications that can successfully consult, find the right information, answer questions, and even manage the production process. Virtual assistants, chat bots, voice prompts, speech translators, this is just the beginning of the list where machine learning technologies are used. All this has led to the popularity of machine learning services.

What is the essence of machine learning?

Machine learning is a unique and complex process that allows you to predict the situation by analyzing data, without the guidance and rules of the operator. That is, it is an “autonomous” and “independent” decision-making method, in which the model can learn on its own.

Machine learning opens up a whole new quality of programming, where the functions that a person performs can now be performed by an inanimate system. ML enhances the potential of AI, being its component and a kind of synonym.

If a company does not use machine learning, in any case, the impact of AI will affect it. In the near future, intelligent applications will become a trend in the IT sector and will gradually replace traditional programming. After all, the advantages of machine learning are quite obvious: the system can process a huge amount of data, manage processes, act as a consultant or seller, while the model is able to independently learn, make decisions and develop without human intervention.

Machine Learning: Fundamentals and Tasks

The machine learning architecture has three components:

  •   Data. They are assembled taking into account the intended purpose of the system and the complexity of the tasks to be solved.
  • Model. The shell format and environment in which the data will be processed.
  • Algorithms. The machine learning mechanism by which the information will be processed.

This is a conditional machine learning scheme based on basic principles. In reality, each provision is supplemented by many subcategories, since the choice of the model and algorithm of the system depends on the complexity of the task.

The range of tasks that machine learning can solve affects both everyday e-commerce issues and highly specialized tasks in the field of science. The most promising application of machine learning is forecasting. The model analyzes the presented data, and with high accuracy can determine the likely scenario for the development of events in the future. In addition to complex prediction tasks, machine learning can be used to classify content, data, identify and label digital objects, extract and organize information.

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