Why some of the phone security apps are never used twice and it’s not good?


phone security apps

In recent times, with an exponential growth in android phones, there is a rise in the growth of installing apps. Using apps on your mobile phone has become one of the most amazing features of Android. There are many useful apps that are really doing a great job for the purpose they are installed for. 

Often there are various apps that we install to check our phone performance or the apps that save battery life, all these apps that we think are useful for our mobile phone, are not generally required. These are the third-party apps that we install to make our phone perform better. But the truth is these apps are not required as most Android phones are optimized to perform to their full potential.

You can check out the following apps that are not needed on your mobile phone and if they are installed somehow, make sure you uninstall them immediately from your mobile phone.

Battery saving apps

When you are using your mobile phone, then it’s evident that your phone will consume the battery. It is the natural process of the battery to get consumed and you charge it again. 

So, the ultimate purpose of installing a battery saver app fails here. These battery-saving apps just sit in the background of the phone and keep running, causing the phone to consume more energy than to save, hence reversing the effect of saving the battery. 

They tend to do all the things but not save battery in most cases. So, it is always advisable not to install any of these battery-saving apps.

Antivirus apps

You must be aware of the disastrous effects when your phone gets infected with a virus. This is the reason the idea of installing antivirus apps became viral. As a security measure, it is always preferred to install an antivirus app. Many people install an antivirus to protect their phone, but most of them download its apk from untrusted sites. 

There is a high risk of malicious files also being downloaded with these APK files. So you should always download apps like such security protection tools from the app store. Apps on the app store are trusted and come with additional security from viruses and malware. Don’t neglect using such antiviruses, moreover many of them may be installed for free.

Cleaning apps

You should not be cleaning the phone until it is required. Many apps that you are using collect cache data in storage which can increase your storage space. Also, many apps leave their residual data after deleting. You can do this by simply going to setting then storage then clear cache data in your mobile phone. 

This will clear the cached data of all the apps collectively. If you want to do it individually for a single app then you can go to settings then applications and cached data. It’s pretty simple to clean the unnecessary data on your phone. This makes the use of some other cleaning app totally irrelevant. These cleaning apps also increase the storage of your device as they are not really that important.

RAM boosting apps

You may have heard about increasing the efficiency of RAM or clearing memory to boost its performance. These RAM-saving apps run in the background eat your Battery life. Completely doing the opposite as for what these ram-saving apps are being installed. 

The biggest drawback of these is if you close the Ram saving apps completely, then also they restart themselves on their own after some time. And to be honest, android manages the RAM performance very efficiently. Therefore you don’t need to download any external third-party app to boost the ram performance.

Bloatware apps

Many phones these days come with many pre-installed apps, most of them are the apps with whom the manufacturer has collaborated. And it’s quite obvious that these apps are not very extensively used by the user. So when these apps are not being used, they just sit in your phone and make clutter in your system and drain your battery in the background. 

As these are pre-installed apps, you don’t have many options to remove them from your mobile phone. And various mobile phone Installing is not an option that is provided to the user. So to avoid all the issues with these apps, you can always disable them. You can also force stop them and clear that data from that app if there is any. 

Disabling the app prevents it from starting automatically in the background. And it’s quite a safe option as well, as there are no issues found after disabling these pre-installed apps.

Default browser apps

When you buy a new phone, there are many app packages that are pre-installed in the phone itself, as provided by the manufacturer. These apps are installed by default in the system and are not used much. 

Most people replace them with a better browser and these default browsers just stay there without being used. You can disable them from the default apps section. There are no issues faced after disabling these default browsers from your system.


It is considered as a good practice to uninstall and remove any app that you don’t use, any kind of app that has battery drain issues or consumes a larger chunk of storage space than actually required. You can always go to the battery setting in your phone and check which apps are draining the battery the most. 

These kinds of efficiency-increasing apps from battery savers to antivirus apps should be avoided to be installed in your mobile phone. As they are not fulfilling the purpose for which they have been downloaded. Android has become self-sufficient and powerful enough to handle all the performance and efficiency of your mobile phone.

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