SEO For Small Business Growth: 5 Proven Strategies That Work


There is one defining feature about SEO for small business. The owners of these businesses are always overworked and are responsible for multiple functions within the organization. For example, they have to look at everything from sourcing to hiring, marketing, sales, and more.

While most small business owners realize that pursuing digital marketing can be beneficial for their businesses, the reality is that they cannot. Some apparent reasons for the same are-

  • They do not have the time nor bandwidth to understand digital marketing or SEO
  • There are always budget constraints and limited resources that emerge as problems
  • Lack of trust in technology and digital platforms inhibits their engagements
  • Digital marketing strategies operate in bundles, which makes it more difficult

All these reasons (and many more) prevent small business owners to engage with digital marketing. In this article, we look to help small business owners by listing down five proven SEO strategies that can turnaround your profits, revenues, and performance!

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List of 5 Proven SEO Strategies for Small Business Growth

1. Local SEO will help with footfalls and physical sales-

Small businesses that operate physical stores and showrooms can use SEO to drive local sales and footfalls. By having a strong presence on Google My Business (GMB), you can build online credibility, trust, and awareness about your business.

According to a study, more than 46% of all searches conducted on Google are of a local nature. People are always looking at things, amenities, and businesses ‘near me’.

By making sure that your GMB page has excellent reviews and ratings, you can do wonders to boost your sales, revenues, and profits.

2. Invest in creating high-quality content around your small businesses’ niche-

Google and other search engines are moving more towards search intent than search query. In simple words, Google thinks that no one can have great knowledge about a business as the owners themselves.

This means that Google is looking to remove technical barriers to ranking on search engines. Effective and high-performance content marketing can help establish your small business.

This will take time, but if you are willing to invest the effort, you will be able to build credibility for your small business as a leading authority in your niche.

3. Build links and relationships with bloggers in your niche-

If you have been reading about SEO, you might have read how building backlinks is 50% of what SEO is all about. You are not wrong; link building is incredibly important. However, there are right ways and wrong ways to go about it.

The aim should be to establish and build meaningful relationships with bloggers and influencers that operate and review products and services in your niche.

Try to help them out with excellent content, and if possible, give them some products or services to review. This will help you spread your reach in the industry.

4. Make sure that your small business website is optimized according to guidelines-

Google’s aim is to offer its users the best experiences. Part of the same is showing websites that are fast, safe, and offer value/information/knowledge that the user is looking for. In point two, we discussed how creating good content is important.

Along with the same, you need to focus on your website’s technical bits. If you are unsure, hire an SEO agency that can help you with On-Page optimizations.

They will help improve your website’s speed, arrange the URL structure, titles, descriptions, and other important technical bits on your website.

5. Focus on social media SEO and platforms like Quora, Medium, and Reddit-

Online and search performance is all about driving targeted traffic from as many online platforms as possible. In this day and age, small businesses should be proactive in maintaining their social media pages.

They should also look to contribute honestly and transparently to communities on Quora, Reddit, and Medium. If people find your answers and feedback beneficial, they will have no hesitation in visiting your website and seeking solutions.

This is a highly organic and long-term strategy for improving online performance through SEO.

The Final Takeaway

SEO is more than just these five strategies that we have listed in this article. However, small businesses need an easy and effective entry point into this vast discipline. All the five SEO proven strategies which you have just read can help you derive real results and growth. If you would like us to assist you in SEO strategies and solutions, please reach out to us in the comments below.

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