Something Went Wrong Try Again
“Something went wrong try please try again” is an error that shows when trying to download an app from google play store. Although, the same error message can also appear in other apps when there’s an issue preventing the task from being completed. This error message is something that can occur even if you think you have done everything right. There could be an external issue or another significant issue preventing the app from downloading.
Something went wrong try again error on Google Play means you won’t be able to download/update only to select apps. However, in this article, we’ll be looking into what the cause of the error is and how to go about fixing the error as well as other information concerning “Something went wrong try again error” while taking google play as a case study and a few other cases. Read on to know more.
What Causes Something Went Wrong try again Later Error?
When an error occurs, it is down to something malfunctioning. This means when something went wrong try again error appears, it is down to something malfunctioning in your device. Those things that are malfunctioning are the causes of the error. What are those things? What are the causes of something went wrong try again later?
Google Play account issues: This is one thing that can cause the error. If more than one google account is signed in on your device, or you change the password for the passwords too many times, this may prevent downloading apps in Google play and in turn display the error message Something went wrong try again on your screen.
Accumulated cache: Since you’ve been using your device, application caches gather up and will at some point get to the climax. Once it gets to the climax stage, issues that prevent app download on google play set in. This is also one cause of something went wrong try again.
Software issues: Outdated Software is also one of those things that can cause something went wrong try again when trying to download an app on Google play. In this case, you need to check if your device software is updated, if not, update it.
Network Issue: Sometimes when the network connection of your device is poor, it may hinder the smooth performance of certain tasks; which can include this so-called something went wrong error. A network reboot or changing the connection could solve the problem.
Things to Check
Before trying out any fixing method, it is best to check certain things to know the best approach to use to resolve the issue.
- Check if your network connection is good
- Check google play store cache
- Check your Google account login status
- Check whether phone date and time settings are correct
Having checked all that, you can now proceed to try the fixing methods below.
How to fix “Something Went Wrong Try Again” Error in Google Play
Just like I said earlier, this error “something went wrong try again” can occur in several cases. However, here is a list of ways to fix the error. The fixing methods below are sure to solve the problem; check them out below:
Method 1: Toggle off and on Airplane Mode
Toggling off and on airplane mode is to establish another connection address for your device. It is one way to reset network connection and restore all the device’s networking functionality.
To Toggle off and on Airplane mode, Go to Settings on your device, and tap network connection from the available menu under settings. You find Airplane mode thereafter, simply toggle the switch in front to off and on.
In a nutshell, it goes thus; Settings > Network Connection (or Network & Internet) > Airplane Mode.
Taking this step means you have reset your device’s network connection and established another connection for your device. This is just one fixing method to implement if the issue is from the network.
Method 2: Clear the Google play store and Google play service cache
Since the error occurs mostly when trying to download apps on google play, then accumulated cache could be the cause. To fix it, simply clear the cache of the google play store and google play service. This means you want to delete the data cache for the Play Store and google play service. Here’s how to go about it.
Google Play service: Go to Settings > Applications > All apps > Select Google Play services and then tap “Storage & cache,” from the app info page. Tap “Erase cache” or “Clear cache” to clear the google play services cache.
Method 3: Check If Automatic Date and Time is Enabled
Over time, wrong date and time of a device is one obvious issue that users should give attention to. Wrong Date and time can probably cause something went wrong try again as well as other software errors.
Issues with downloading apps on the google play store occur if your device’s default time zone does not correspond with your region. To fix this, check if your device date and time are correct and if automatic date and time are enabled. Here’s how to go about it:
- Go to “Settings” on your device and tap General management”.
- Check for and tap on “Date and time”.
- Enable “Automatic date and time” if it isn’t enabled currently. This will automatically set the time and date on your device.
Method 4: Reset Network Settings
After you have tried out the above fixing methods, and still problem unsolved, check this out: Reset Network Settings. This includes Wi-Fi, mobile data, and Bluetooth settings. To do this, Follow the steps below
1. Go to “Settings > General Management > Reset”.
2. Choose “Reset network settings.” to complete the process.
3. Next is to login back into your Wi-Fi account and mobile date accounts.
6. Relaunch Google Play and try downloading the apps again.
Method 5: Fix issues on your Google Account Connected with Google Play
If you have multiple google account signed in on your device and this something went wrong try again error shows up, then you need to do minor fixing of the main account you use to possibly solve the problem. Also, check whether other accounts are signed in properly and free of issues.
- Launch Google Play Store app on your device.
- Tap your profile icon located at the top right corner.
- Tap the drop-down to see other email addresses connected to google play.
- Tap the main account connected to the play store.
- A message that “Google needs to verify that it’s you” will display on your screen. Click “Next” to start a simple signing-in procedure.
- Input your password to complete the verification process.
Note: If your Google account requires A one-time password may be required to complete the verification process.
Once you’ve verified the account, then the error should be solved. You should be able to download an app on the google play store with ease.
Method 6: Remove and Re-Add Google Account
Maybe you have used a different account to download an app before, you may get the error message if you try using another account to download an app. If you have more than one account signed in on your device, try removing and re-adding them. If there’s an account you no longer use, simply remove them too. If you want to use the account at some point later, you can add them back provided you know the password.
1. Launch the Google Play app on your device.
2. Tap your profile icon located at the top right corner of your screen
3. Click on the “Google Account” button. A separate account preferences screen will be launched.
4. Click “Get Started”
5. Tap the drop-down to see other email addresses connected to google play
6. Click “Manage accounts on this device.”
7. If there’s any account you’re not using, simply delete them (remove account)
Note: A warning message like “Removing the account will delete all its messages, contacts, and other data from the device. Continue?” If you think you won’t be affected by the account removal, you can proceed to remove it.
If you wish to add the removed account again, go to “Manage accounts” and you’ll be able to add the account.
10. Select the “Add account” menu option and input the necessary details
11. Agree to any user agreements or “Terms of Service” and hit done.
Method 7: Check Google Play Store permissions
Sometimes, google Play Store may have been limited permission to access its requirements to run. Therefore, check if anything is hindering the smooth running of the app. Follow the steps below;
- Open the Settings menu
- Go to Apps
- Navigate to Google Play Store and tap/open permissions
- Check if the Denied services, e.g. Calendar, Location are causing the error. If yes, simply allows them and see if it now works fine.
There you have different ways to fix the issue “something went wrong try again” on google play and other places. These fixing methods are sure to solve the problem; simply follow the step-by-step guide of each fixing method to ensure the problem is solved.