Steps to Consider When Beginning Your Mobile App Development
Mobile development from scratch to release on average occurs in several main stages. Some of them take days and some even after 3 months may still be developing. Custom software company can perform some steps in parallel, and some only consistently. The number of stages in the mobile app development of an application depends on the size of the project and existing input data to it. But in any case, complete development of a separate IT solution takes time.
How To Build Mobile App
You have decided to create a mobile application. Or, maybe, one of the best crypto saving accounts.
Where to begin? How not miss out on something important? There is a lot of available information about app essentials. But if you are a beginner, then you most likely want answers to specific practical questions.
ALT: A drawn picture with six hands and six phones with apps on the screen
The questions that are most crucial in development are generally in connection with the necessary steps of work. The first one ultimately is – what is the best way to develop – native or cross-platform? This answer determines the complexity of the future work and the demanded time. If the app is cross-platform, then the next answer a developer needs is – where to release first – on Android or on iOS?
Next important part of making an app is testing it. And the crucial question here is – can we somehow test the application before release on users? The automated testing is fine, but the real users can have various expectations and preferences that do not align with the developers’ views. In connection with this, the other answers that a developer needs to collect are – is it worth opening the app to the whole world at once or only in one country? And also – how to attract users to the application with a limited budget?
Plus, very close with testing are the questions of app performance when it’s already launched. The steps to consider there are closely related to these questions:
- How do I know if an app’s performance is good or bad? How do you know if it has difficulties and problem areas?
- How often should we update the app?
- Can I see where users are coming from?
- Should we embed ads in the app or will it scare users away?
- What should be in the application so as not to miss something important?
Important Steps To Create App For Business
The main steps of building an app are:
- analytics;
- technical task;
- engineering and design;
- development;
- testing and stabilization;
- publication in stores;
- support and development.
Every stage of development is quite important – it is better to perform them all. Losing even one step of the process can result in poor performance. In some cases, it means less users – and in some, it means the general work of the app will be troublesome. So, try to find a team that is familiar with the importance of the stages.
Let’s consider the most important stages in app development.
App For Your Business – Main Stages
Every application starts with an idea. It determines what tasks the future service should solve, and the collection of analytics begins. A deep cut of the market, analysis of existing solutions, a study of competitors, and customer behavior models. At each stage of the analysis, you need to remember the end-user and think over the customer’s life cycle. This helps to understand how people will use the new application – and to make it as user-friendly, understandable, and useful as possible. Such an application will benefit your business.
Technical task
In this step, the developers do a detailed description of the functionality and design of the future application. We need to define user characters, describe user stories, draw up a map of the user’s journey. And also to plan technical requirements for the service. That is, to fix what the application should be like, what it should be able to do and how it will work.
After this technical assignment, a team of developers understands what kind of service the customer wants to receive. And after – gradually implements the initial idea.
A good developing team creates UI / UX from scratch. When the analyst gives the designer the basis of the graphical interface, developers start visual design. They draw a map of screens, graphic elements, a detailed prototype, taking into account various use cases.
At this stage, the UI / UX designer creates static prototypes. And also, at request, interactive prototypes of the application. This is how to know the application’s future look and what behavior to expect from it, taking into account the planned features. It all depends on the specific tasks and wishes of the client.
Development begins when there is a detailed technical specification and assessment. And also the design and the prototype of the mobile application is ready. The development team writes code to install the intended behavior of the application. And also to wire the application logic to the back-end, if provided. The finished design embodies in the code – all the styles and UI elements with which the user of the application interacts.
When part of the functionality is ready, testing begins. Developers add all bugs to the bug reporting system. After fixing they check that the bugs disappeared and this did not affect the rest of the functionality. Before the release of the application, they do acceptance testing. They go through the main business cases of the application to make sure that the behavior meets the requirements.
After testing, a mobile business app is ready to work. Publication in stores and the later updates are also part of the developing process. But the developers do them even after launching.