Blackjack vs Baccarat — which is next on your agenda?

There’s nothing quite like a classic table game, and since online casinos feature the very best of traditional games, you can experience these sophisticated gaming numbers anywhere, anytime. But sometimes it can be hard to know which game tickles your fancy when you’re deciding which to play next since there are so many games to choose from on an online casino. Two of the most popular table games are Blackjack vs Baccarat, and these are both fabulous games in their own right, so arguably, there’s a time and place for both. 

However, in this gaming showdown, there can only be one winner, so to help you to decide which game you should play next, we’ll explore what Blackjack and Baccarat have to offer. 


If you’re a beginner, Blackjack can be perfect to introduce you to the world of table games. This is because the rules are pretty simple and easy to learn. You could even watch some online videos and pick up the game quickly so that you can start playing straight away. The aim of a game of Blackjack is extremely straightforward — beat the dealer and walk away with the jackpot! 

Although Blackjack is a simple game to get the hang of, to be a master of the game, you’ll have to practice, as although there’s plenty of luck involved when you win a game of Blackjack, there’s also a certain degree of skill required to become a good player. You need to have good decision-making skills since you’ll have to act according to the hand that you’ve been dealt. This makes the game even more exciting and means that more seasoned players can show off their playing prowess at the table. 


You might have previously been deterred from playing table games because of the common misconception that they’re complicated and only played by experienced players. Well, we’re here to debunk that myth, since table games are actually pretty simple to play once you’ve learned the rules and Baccarat is no exception. In fact, in a game of online Baccarat, the concept couldn’t really be simpler. Effectively all you have to do is place your bet on either the banker hand or the player hand, depending on which one you predict will be closer to a total value of nine. 

If it was any simpler, it would probably be a slot game! So, if you’re looking for some table game sophistication that isn’t complicated or daunting, we reckon that Baccarat is the game for you. The appeal of Baccarat also comes from its fast-paced nature and the fact that it boasts the lowest house edge of any casino game. If you bet on the banker, the house edge will be 1.06%, and betting on the player equates to 1.24%. 

At the end of the day, the decision as to who wins and takes the title of the next game on your agenda is completely up to you. If you’re in the mood for a game of luck and skill, where you can demonstrate your gaming understanding and gain experience, then Blackjack takes the win. However, if it’s ease, simplicity, and decent odds that you’re after, then you’ll be leaning towards Baccarat. 

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