Ralink Linux Client: Why Ralink Showing Up In Windows Network


Ralink Linux Client: Why Ralink Showing Up In Windows Network

While using the windows on your PC have you ever experienced Ralink Linux Clientin your network list when you start up your computer? In the last few days, this was the query, inquired by most of the people. That’s why I thought to write down about the issue faced by the users.

There is a possibility that your system is commanded by some other source when this happens to your PC. But it is not compulsory all the time. There may be some other possibilities that integrate with your system.

When I have this issue, there was another device that was connected to the same network. So, don’t be panic about Ralink Linux Client, before completely understanding its presence.

What is Ralink Linux Client?

Some of the communication devices such as routers, WiFi modems have an internal chipset which is known as Ralink Linux Client. Ralink is basically a company that manufactures the chipset that is used in networking and is it is listed on the top in making such devices as the largest shareholder in the market.

Many different brands and devices use this chipset made of Ralinkin their items. We cant relate this chip to a specific device because many of the companies are using this chip in different patterns in their devices.

Like if we take an example, LG television may have Ralink chipset installed in its PCB board, the customer and the seller don’t know about this Ralinkchipset, they only know that the television is of LG, but the manufacturers of the LG television have knowledge of it.

You can considerRalink client as a smart television if it is attached to the TV and connected to the same network, or in case, if it is a part of a camera then it works according to the outdoor camera. If we turn off these devices like TV and Camera, then we can check whether a link Linux Client still working or not.

Windows Network shows Ralink Linux Client.

You may have noticed while operating windows that your windows network shows Ralink Linux Client. This is because there might be some other wireless network in your area which has the same configuration as you have in your network card.

It may be using the same address range that is used by your router. Due to the same network address, the connections mixed up and caused the issue. Most specifically the routers that use the default IP address that is provided to router goes with these conditions.

If you have ever noticed that the MAC address of a smart TV gets connected automatically to the common Wi-Fi network, this is due to the Ralink Linux Client, Ralink chipset that is present in the system hardware.

If you want to test this, then disable the Wi-Fi connection from your TV and check the consequences. Similar behaviour is shown by the outdoor camera due to the Ralink Linux Client.

Similarly, the computers that have more than one network cards configured in the system, mostly show Ralink Linux Client. The RalinkLinux Client occurs in the system when the two different Wi-Fi networks are enabled within the same router ( 2.5 & 5.0 ).

Checking Whether it is a security issue or not?

If you are confused that your network or the system is hacked by someone. And you want to check that the system is secure and stable or not, you have to follow the procedure that is described here.

If some hacker is trying to hack your system, and if he is approaching your network by changing the name of the link network to Ralink Linux Client. Then this link will be filtered through the router you own. To check the status of your network please follow the below-mentioned points.

  1. Turn Off your router.
  2. Verify that Ralink Linux Cloud still exist or it’s gone. Most probably it will go.
  3. Turn on the router now, your devices will be auto connected to the router.
  4. To find out the device which is causing the problem, turn off the devices one by one so that you to isolate the faulty device.
  5. If the issue is not resolved, you weren’t able to trace the faulty device, then check the devices’ IP addresses.
  6. Compare the IP addresses of the device from the Ralink Linux Client.
  7. If you are lucky to find out the faulty one, then isolate it from the other devices. If still can’t find, then you should change the Username and Password of the router. This will not allow reconnecting the device that is faulty.

Once you have updated the password and the user name then the hackers can’t enter your network.

Changing the username and password?

Now comes the issue that how will the user name and password be changed. It totally depends upon the router’s brand, the company that has manufactured it. But a standard method is used for most of the brands. Following are the steps to update the username and password.

  1. Open the Run dialogue box by pressing Windows + R keys from the keyboard.
  2. Enter cmd in the empty bar. It will open the command prompt.
  3. Enteripconfighere and hit enter button. It will provide you with the data list.
  4. Go to the second line value in the data list, default gateway ( it will be like ‘192.546.0.3’ ).
  5. Open the browser on your computer and type you Default gateway that is accessed by the data list and hit enter.
  6. The required fields of username and password appear here. You can also find the same on your router.
  7. Now, as you enter the details, you will be logged in to the GUI.
  8. Here you have to search for the changing option of SSID and password. It is available on the Security tab.
  9. Change the user name and password here as per your desire.
  10. When you apply the changes, your computer will be disconnected automatically from the connection, but you can again connect it by giving your new password and username.

Disabling the windows connect now service

If Ralink Linux Client still exists, you are guaranteed that the system is not hacked at all. But the problem is, any one of your devices is Ralink Linux Client. It does not cause any damage to your system but still, you can change this by the following steps:

  1. Enter win + R to open run dialogue box. Type MSC here. It will open the Service Manager window.
  2. A list will that is arranged alphabetically will be visible to you.
  3. Scroll down and look for Windows Connect Now, double click on it to open.
  4. The properties section will appear on the next screen.
  5. Now, Change the Startup Type to Disabled.
  6. Now click on Apply settings and then press OK.


All the possible efforts are made to assist you so that you can easily deal with the Ralink Linux Client. You may know the cause that why it is appearing to you. Consequences of having it are also mentioned here.

If you face the problem anywhere, in your system or someone else you can trace the cause of it that whether it is hacked or not. Feel free to contact us, or inbox us your problems or confusions we will try our best to overcome them.

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