Connecting to a Remote Broker and How Connection Broker Manages Users?
If you are a client using MetaTrader 4 or 5, the broker’s installation of MetaQuotes Language Studio will automatically make the connection to the broker in such a way that all commands and orders are executed. Below in this article, we will cover Connecting to a remote broker and How Connection Broker Manages Users?

However, in cases where the broker is not running MQL4 or MQL5 trading platforms, it is necessary to configure Remote connection settings on your local computer. This article will guide you through setting up remote connection parameters which will be used when connecting to the broker via secure SSL-encrypted channels.
Remote connection is an effective tool that allows trade execution of orders and executing orders through the MT4 or MT5 platform. There are also other functions that can be used when connected to a remote broker like limefx through secure channels:
– monitoring of balance, open trades, orders;
– monitoring and customization of statistics;
– viewing account balance history;
– viewing order history.
The main parameters which will be modified in the article are the username and password. allows you to work with the broker’s server. This means that the broker server processes all trading activities such as receiving trading commands from clients, transferring orders to the market, and collecting trading results.
To connect to a broker, you need to enable remote access on the “Settings” tab of Trader Workstation. To do this, change the enabled state of the “Remote Access” option to “Yes”.
Write down your broker’s username and password. In order to establish a connection between the remote computer and the local one, you need to copy the username and password from your broker’s administration panel. If you want to use the password manager, you will need to change it for the new password.
In order to connect to a broker, the first step is to obtain a valid IP address of the remote server. To do this, click “Connectivity” in the “Settings” tab and click “Check Server Status”. After that, click on the name of the server in “Status” which corresponds to the desired remote session.
Now you can enter your username and password into the Login panel and press Enter, or click “Login”.secret mode of encryption, then use HTTPS instead of HTTP.
You need to download two files: MetaQuotes Language Studio (applicable only for Windows) and the Win32 Binary interface for the MetaQuotes Language Studio (applicable to all OSes). Make sure that both files are installed on your computer.
First, download MetaQuotes Language Studio from and install it on your computer. You can connect to a broker only when MetaQuotes Language Studio is running in the foreground. In order to start MetaQuotes Language Studio, click its shortcut on the Start Menu. Then go to Tools → Server Tab and click “Connect using HTTPS”.
Next, download the Win32 Binary Interface for MetaQuotes Language Studio and put it in a convenient place.
The next step is to connect to a remote broker. To do this, you need to click “Connect” on the Server tab of MetaQuotes Language Studio. In “Connection Type” select the type of connection: “Remote Connection”. If you are not sure what type of connection your broker supports, select HTPP-SSL connection as a fallback option. The language interface security level should be set to “Medium”.
How A Connection Broker Manages Users
In MetaQuotes Language Studio, the connection manager creates a new user account without a password. The connection manager communicates with the broker from this user account. The login to the MetaQuotes Language Studio and remote connection settings are stored also in this account. MetaQuotes Language Studio relies on cookies to identify the current user when access to remote servers is enabled by doing so the brokerage account is created for each remote session. For each new session, an ephemeral login is created in connection to this profile.