Best tips to upgrade your Email Marketing Performance

email marketing tips
email marketing tips

Many companies spend a lot of time and resources on launching a suitable marketing campaign. To achieve their goal, they use segmentation, automation tools, and personalization. But sometimes that’s not enough.

To increase brand awareness, you should use marketing techniques that ensure eCommerce email marketing optimization. This will make it possible to significantly reduce assets regularly spent on advertising campaigns. Atompark offers the best promotion methods – you can use its techniques to develop an efficient marketing strategy.

Commit to your email marketing strategy

You can achieve the best results when all the stages are preplanned. Mailout at a random time won’t do any good. Subscribers are unlikely to stay with you if they receive newsletters once a month.

Regular newsletters sent using email blaster enable you to save money and develop long-term cooperation with your customers. Users will receive important information about your company, learn about current events. Soon, it will boost conversion and increase profit.

Use personalization techniques

Mailout campaigns developed using email marketing programs should be interesting for users. The easiest way to attract attention is to launch a personalized mailout. If customers see their names in the email text, they are more likely to read it.

The methods many marketers use are not quite correct and don’t improve the company’s reputation. Provocative or funny emails aren’t always appropriate, so you should always keep the target audience in mind.

Send unopened emails one more time

Email marketing metrics make it possible to analyze the selected email strategy. The most common problem is a large share of unopened emails. If you’ve spent a lot of time developing the mailout design and content but no one is interested in it – that’s a real problem. Therefore, before launching a mass mailout, you should:

  •   identify the target audience;
  •       try to prevent the email from getting into spam (choose the right subject line for marketing email, don’t send newsletters at the wrong time);
  •       clean the database from invalid email addresses.

By segmenting the customer list and using particular methods to restore users who’ve made purchases, you will be able to save time on developing a new strategy. Keep in mind that after a while you can send unopened emails again.

You can start with a welcome email, telling your customers a little about your company and its advantages, and then proceed to repeat the mailout. If users are interested in the brand, suggest the most popular products and services.

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